Friday, September 2, 2011

Potty Training

The lack of blog posting is due in part to the fact that we've been potty training! Phew, it's hard work!

We started a couple of weeks ago. It went a little something like this: One night after dinner, Grace said, "Go poo poo, Momma?" Why yes, of course, my darling child, I would love to whisk you to the potty even though I'm not quite finished with my dinner. I was skeptical, but joyful about this prospect, since she hadn't ever pooped on her own initiative, so this was exciting! Lo and behold, she did it! And it was thrilling! I never thought I could ever be so excited about poop. The next day after breakfast, she wanted to poop again, so we went for it. Two successful dumps in less than 24 hours, and I felt like we were on a roll!

Pottying got a little boring, what with the timer going off every 30 minutes or so, but M&Ms and stickers made the trips bearable. And we made a big deal about big girl panties (just like Mommy)! There have been accidents, and we are on the lookout for the bathroom nearly every place we go, but I think we're on the right track.

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