Thursday, June 16, 2011

Being a kid...

There is something magical about being a kid. Why do we clutter our lives with so much "stuff," when really it's the simple things that truly matter? For example:

The look on Gracie's face as she floats in the cold pool water for the first time, realizing that she's floating on her own, with mommy right there, scared to death, and yet extremely excited at the same time!

Going through a tunnel becomes a party! Windows down, daddy honking the S-O-U-T-H-E-A-S-T! high school chant, and the passing from darkness into light. As soon as we were through it, Gracie goes, "Mah, mah, mah!" (more, more more.)

Driving up to a frozen yogurt place, "Ice seem, ice seem!" She screams, we all scream, it's such a simple pleasure and favorite pastime.

Eating breakfast on a Saturday: scrambled eggs, sausage patties, crispy waffles - Grace looks at her plate and happily stabs a bite of syrupy drizzled waffle, "I do, waffie!" and promptly gobbles it up.

Any time we pass any kind of body of water, "guckie, guckie!" This girl is obsessed with ducks! We've had a fun spring and summer searching for ducks whenever we're out on walks or bike rides.

The joy of slides and swings. "Phing, phing, slide, slide!" With a new playset as one of her second birthday gifts, Gracie loves the wind in her hair via high flying swing or speedy slide.

"Goggie, goggie!" Dogs excite her so much - she would like everyone she meets to be her friend.

Walk or bike ride? "Biiike!" Thankfully the spill she took hasn't deterred her from loving bikes!

Coloring! It is such a joy for me as a mom to post her latest artworks on display.

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