Monday, May 23, 2011

A random post squeezed in just before somebody's birthday!

The other night we were driving all together in the car.

I spotted a police car and said, "There's a cop."

Carl said, "You mean a policeman."

To which Grace replies, "Po-po!"


Gracie loves to ride her much so that she had this big smile after falling off and getting a swollen lip. She is a very good patient. Daddy Carl was so proud she was crying afterwards before we went inside to clean her up, "Biiiiike, biiiiiike!" Her little tumble didn't scare her away from getting back on. Over the past week, she's pointed to her "owie," then says, "fall," and then, "bike," and even more, "helmu" for helmet - it saved her!


She is also insistent on cooking! She loves to sit and help. This was from one night where breakfast for dinner was our best option!
